Camille Rochereau

Camille Rochereau

Camille Rochereau was born in 1993, in the south of France.

After an Art High School diploma she moved in Paris to study in a Preparatory class for the Grandes Écoles …of Art, and then fashion in the prestigious school Studio Berçot.

Always attracted by the atypical, she was the assistant of a fur designer and a plumassier, before leaving the Universe of Fashion to return to the sources of her passions: drawing, painting and writing.

“Drawing to breathe. Breathing to express. Express to live… “

She’s taking you into an another world between real and unreal, between darkness and light.

A world in which fear doesn’t exist. We tame it.

A World in which it is possible to believe in one’s dreams. The darkest, the most buried, the craziest.

Don’t be ashamed, open your eyes: we are all aliens.

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